Ozone in osmosis water tanks

Distilled and ultra pure

Use of ozone in osmotized, distilled, ultrapure water tanks

Internal Reference: AGUA.OSMOTIZADA

To disinfect water, tank and pipes, leaving no residue

Avoid the use of chlorine and chemicals that can alter your recipes.

  Ozone is generated on-site, it does not need to store or transport chemicals

Ozone does not leave residues, it is respectful with the environment

The system is automated, you do not need labor to apply it

Problems with the hygiene of osmosis water?

Advantages of disinfecting with Ozone

Máxima desinfección con ozono

Maximum disinfection

Osmosis water is easily contaminated, so it is necessary to disinfect it continuously. Ozone is a powerful disinfectant, which easily eliminates all kinds of microorganisms, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and molds, in osmosis water. It also removes and prevents biofilm from pipes without leaving residues.

el Ozono no altera tu receta

Without altering your recipe

Traditional chemicals can leave traces that alter the flavors, smells or composition of your recipes. Ozone (O3) is a molecule made up of 3 oxygen atoms, it is very violent chemically, but it quickly transforms into oxygen (O2), without leaving residues and without altering your recipe.

El ozono ahorra y contamina menos

Save and pollute less

Traditional disinfection is expensive and has a high environmental impact. Using ozone you can reduce the consumption of chemicals, hot water and the number of rinses. Reduce your spills by using only water with ozone to disinfect the water, tank and osmosis water pipes.

Without labor, automatic

The system generates ozone and injects it into the tank automatically, without the need to apply manual labor in the process. The equipment only needs to be connected to the tank to be treated and provide it with a point of light.

No chemical storage

Ozone cannot be transported or stored, it is generated on site, and it is applied instantly, so it is not necessary to store and manage chemical products, it avoids transport and reduces the carbon footprint.

Biocide recognized by the ECHA

Ozone is on the list of biocides by the European Chemical Agency and ZonoSistem has all the necessary legalization documentation to be able to apply ozone in its process.

What type of ozone generator do I need?

Next, we show you the ranges of ozone generators available to treat osmosis water tanks.
 Gama Generador de ozono industrial
Gama Generador de ozono profesional

Gama Generador de ozono profesional

Equipment Included
Water Cooled Generator.
With compressor.
With Oxygen Concentrator.
With refrigeration dryer.
With cooling chiller.
With Pump and Venturi.
With Automatic Power Control.
With recipe manager by PLC.
With Remote Control, PC or Mobile.
With Redox Meter.
With Leak Sensor.
Air Cooled Generator.
With compressor.
With Oxygen Concentrator.
With refrigeration dryer.
With Pump and Venturi.
With Automatic Power Control.
With recipe manager by PLC.
With Redox Meter.
With Leak Sensor.
Air Cooled Generator.
With compressor.
With Oxygen Concentrator.
With refrigeration dryer.
With Pump and Venturi.
With Manual Power Control.
Optional equipment
Dissolved Ozone meter ppm.
Dissolved Ozone meter ppm.
Remote Control, PC or Mobile.
Dissolved Ozone meter ppm.
Redox meter.
Leak sensor.
Ozone concentration
150 gO3/m 
100 gO3/m3
100 gO3/m3
Ozone Productions
50, 100, 150, y 200 gO3/h
7,12,20,40,75 y115 gO3/h
7,12,20,40,75,115 gO3/h
Recommended use
For tanks up to 250m3
For tanks up to 150m3
For tanks up to 150m3
Working conditions
For tanks at atmospheric pressure
Hard work
Tanks at atmospheric pressure
Moderate work
Tanks at atmospheric pressure
Moderate work

1. What is the difference between the ranges?

The 3 ranges include the ozone generator, with a compressor and the oxygen concentrator, plus a pump and venturi, to recirculate the water in the tank and inject ozone as it passes.

The HIDRO V GZO-EPS range also includes advanced control elements that allow the ozone levels in the tank to be controlled from a Redox measurement, allowing the equipment to automatically modulate power according to needs. It also includes an ozone leak meter, for greater safety of operators and equipment.

Finally, the HIDRO V GRZO-EPSF range is the most powerful and complete range. It includes an ozone generator with a high ozone concentration of 150 gO3/m3, cooled by water, which withstands harsh working conditions. A powerful control unit, which allows automatic power regulation based on Redox and remote access from PC or Mobile.

2. What range do you recommend?

If you are going to need more than 115 gO3/h, you have to select the HIDRO V GRZO-EPSF range, which has models available up to 200gO3/h. If your production need is lower then you can select any of the 3 ranges. We recommend the HIDRO V GZO-EPS, to have a minimum of security and process control, but if your process is very stable, and you do not need data records or automatic control, you can opt for the HIDRO V GZO-ES, and save some money. money.

3. How much ozone do I need?

You must calculate 1.3 ppm for each cubic meter of water that enters the tank. If you have a filling flow rate of 100m3/h, you will need at least a 130gO3/h ozone generator.

Ozone projects turnkey

We design, manufacture, install and maintain high-performance ozone systems to maintain hygiene in osmosis, distilled and ultra-pure water tanks.

Contact now

Example of ozone equipment in osmosis water tanks

Fabricante de productos de limpieza, Sevilla, España.

Manufacturer of cleaning products, Seville, Spain.

Fabricante de detergentes, Valencia, España.

Detergent manufacturer, Valencia, Spain.

Fabricante de agua destilada, Valencia. España

Distilled water manufacturer, Valencia. Spain

Fabricante de productos de limpieza y aseo personal, Extremadura, España

Manufacturer of cleaning and personal hygiene products, Extremadura, Spain

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