Ozone for Waste Water

Ozone treatment to disinfect and purify industrial and urban waste water.

We design and manufacture ozone systems for disinfection and reuse of wastewater.

Ozone solutions for wastewater

Residual Water Piloting Service

We offer you the possibility of doing some tests with your residual water in our laboratory. We expose the wastewater to different doses and contact times, and we will study the evolution of the contaminants. Once the tests have been carried out, we will know the amount of ozone required. We will be able to size the appropriate equipment and make an investment and amortization plan.
It is very difficult to accurately predict the amount of ozone required by each water, since the characteristics of the wastewater are very varied, and for this reason, we believe that it is mandatory to carry out a water pilot before making any investment. in this sense. This is our recommendation.

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Use ozone in the urban WWTP and reduce COD, BOD, microbiology.

Applying ozone in urban wastewater treatment stations improves discharge parameters considerably at an affordable cost. Ozone effectively reduces COD and BOD, microorganisms, SS, SD, turbidity, color, odor. It is true that large industrial equipment is needed, since the flows to be treated are usually also large, however ozone technology has evolved a lot in recent years, and now large amounts of ozone can be generated at an investment cost. and affordable exploitation.
In most cases, significant savings are achieved when compared to chlorine consumption. With the advantage that there is no need to store or handle chemical products, and that the results, that is, the final water quality, is much higher than that obtained using chlorine.

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Use ozone in the industrial WWTP

Ozone is used in industrial wastewater treatment to reduce discharge parameters, especially COD, SS, SD, phenols, heavy metals, and color. Sometimes the lack of space, or variations in the composition of the water, mean that traditional treatment plants do not achieve the discharge parameters required by environmental laws. The food, chemical, pharmaceutical, oil and paper industries, etc., are the main clients that demand our equipment and services.
With ozone we can make reductions where other technologies do not reach or are simply unfeasible from an economic point of view. Ozone is not always the solution, but it is worth doing at least the piloting of water, since there is a high probability of obtaining satisfactory results.

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Use ozone in the treatment of Leachate

Leachate is a real disturbance for the environment. Highly polluted waters, generally accumulated in high-risk pools, coming from waste managers or industries. However, the powerful capacity of ozone to oxidize makes it a magnificent ally to reduce the level of contamination in this type of water.

If you have a problem with leachate, do not hesitate to contact us. We will offer you a water pilot, and together we will find out the feasibility and effectiveness of the treatment. It is worth continuing to advance in development to neutralize these waters that are so dangerous for the environment.

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