GRZO100-EPSF Industrial Ozone Generator

Internal Reference: FABGRZO.0009

GRZO100-EPSF Industrial Ozone Generator

Industrial Ozone Generator, cooled by glycol, with compressor, oxygen concentrator, dryer, chiller and PLC control with touch screen. Ozone production of 100gO3/h, at a concentration of 148g/Nm3. 400V, 3P+N, 50Hz, 3.2 kW.

Compact glycol-cooled ozone generator with high ozone concentration, with air compressor and integrated Oxygen concentrator. It also includes filters and refrigerant dryer, chiller, ozone leak sensor and PLC control, with touch screen, data logging and remote access. Manufactured with high quality components, ready to connect electrically and work. Robust, durable and reliable equipment.

Highly recommended
2 years warranty (expandable if you have a maintenance contract)
Manufacturing in 30-40 days

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Industrial Ozone Generator

Technical specifications 

What is it used for?

This powerful ozone generating machine is mainly used in water disinfection and purification treatments, and is frequently used in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), public water purification (DWTP), agricultural irrigation lines, fish farms, aquariums, recovery of lakes and ponds, swimming pools, etc.

Product Details

What´s included

Ozone Generation system A 100 gO3/h Module with ceramic dielectric. Glycol cooled.
Compressed air unit Pre-filter + Compressor + filter + dryer
Oxygen concentrator Activated alumina columns, 95% purity, -30ºC Dew Point.
Refrigeration Chiller + Container with 25 liters of prepared Glycol
Control By PLC V700, 7 ". Recipe manager, weekly programmer, alarm and maintenance manager
Communication Wired remote ON, Status relays (Started, Generating, Failure), Allows ModBus communication and Remote Access with Total Control with VPN router included.
Sensors Ozone Amps, Compressed Air Pressure, Oxygen Pressure and Flow Rate, Refrigeration Flow Rate and Temperature, Ozone Leaks, Door Opening
Technical Valves Outlet ozone solenoid valve, Oxygen flow meter with manual regulation
Included in the packaging Coolant Bottle + Instruction Manual

Technical features

Ozone Production 100 gO3/h
Ozone concentration Maximum = 200 g/Nm3
Optimal = 148 g/Nm3
Air/Oxygen flow 15 lpm
Power supply 400V, 3P+N, 50Hz
Electric Power Ozone Generator = 0.8 KW
PSA = 1.5 KW
Chiller = 0.9 KW
Gas connection OUT Thread 1/2 "Female + with Fitting for tube 10mm Ext.
Dimensions 1250 x 1350 x 1850 mm (Width x Depth x Height)
Weight 385 Kg
Packed size 1500 x 1300 x 2100 mm (Width x Depth x Height)

Working Conditions

Humidity <90%
Room temperature 5 - 40ºC
Working pressure 1 - 3 bar
Source gas Oxygen is generated by the equipment using its PSA unit
Quality of the water that is refrigerated Fill the chiller with the prepared Glycol solution included in the supply
Room fittings The room must be well ventilated. There must be an extraction system in case of leaks.
It is recommended to install an ozone leak sensor and a sign with safety warnings in the room.
Others Supports Venturi on exit

Additional information

Made by ZonoSistem
Made in Spain
Sold from 2015
Last revision 2021
Certificates CE, BIOCIDAL PT2, PT4, PT5, PT11
Warranty 2 years (indefinitely extendable, with a maintenance contract)
UFI number G000-W09P-Y00M-TV8V


This ozone generator equipment from the GRZO range includes a touch screen to easily program different treatments throughout the day. When the equipment receives an order, the refrigeration circuit is activated and the compressor starts taking air from the atmosphere. The air  is filtered, dried and introduced into the PSA where the nitrogen is removed. The oxygen gets concenterated to a purity of 95% and it is conducted to the generation system where the corona discharge is applied and is transformed into ozone. With the oxygen flow meter you can regulate the desired flow rate.

Included documentation

  • Safety manual.

  • User manual, installation and commissioning.

  • Maintenance manual.

  • Declaration of Conformity.

  • Certificate of guarantee

  • Compliance with biocidal regulations.

  • Our Quality Test results.


This GRZO ozone generator uses high frequency corona discharge technology with ceramic dielectric.

We comply with biocidal regulations and ISO certificates.

We comply with biocidal regulations and ISO certificates.

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