GR1000-EP-TONELLO Industrial Ozone Generator. V4

Internal Reference: FABGR.0053

GR1000-EP-TONELLO Industrial Ozone Generator. V4

Industrial Ozone Generator, water- cooled, works from LOX or PSA oxygen. Controlled by PLC (with touch screen). It can produce 1kgO3 / h of ozone, at a concentration of 148g / Nm3. 400V, 3P + N, 50Hz, 7,5 kW.

Industrial ozone generator, robust, durable, and highly efficient, of Spanish design and manufacture. This ozone generator needs a supply of oxygen to produce the ozone, either from a tank of liquid oxygen (LOX) or from an oxygen concentrator (PSA). It achieves very high concentrations of ozone from constantly and with a really efficient rate of electricity consumption. It also includes a powerful control unit, composed of PLC and touch screen, data logging and remote access. Made with high quality components.

Highly Recommended
2 years warranty (expandable if you have a maintenance contract
Manufacturing in 30-40 days

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Industrial Ozone Generator

Technical specifications 

What is it used for?

This powerful ozone generation system is mainly used in water disinfection and purification treatments. It is frequently used in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), drinking water treatment plants (DWTP), agricultural irrigation lines, fish farms, aquariums, lake and water reservoir recovery, swimming pools, etc. It is especially indicated for those industries that already have an oxygen line installed.

Product Details

What´s included

Ozone Generation system 1 x Virola de 1 kgO3/h con dieléctrico de borosilicato. Refrigerado por Agua o glicol.
Oxygen concentrator El oxígeno debe ser suministrado por el cliente, desde LOX o PSA. El equipo no incluye PSA.
Control Por PLC V700 7". Gestor de recetas, programador semanal, gestor de alarmas y mantenimientos.
Communication On remoto cableado, relés de estado (Iniciado, Generando, Fallo). Permite comunicación ModBus. Router VPN opcional para Acceso Remoto con Control total.
Included in the packaging Recambios dieléctrico + Manual de usuario
Refrigeration El equipo no incluye enfriadora. Puede adquirirla opcionalmente. Vea Accesorios.
Sensors Sensor de oxígeno, sensor de presión, sensor de temperatura de refrigeración, interruptor de caudal de refrigeración, sensor de fugas de ozono, amperímetro
Technical Valves Válvula motorizada de Ozono de salida.

Technical features

Ozone Production 1000 gO3/h
Gas connection IN 1/2" hembra + racor tubo Ø10 mm / OUT 1/2" hembra + racor tubo Ø10 mm
Caudal mínimo de oxígeno 6,78 Nm3/h
Power supply 400 V, 3P+N, 50 Hz
Refrigeration connection IN/OUT Rosca 3/4" Hembra + Conector CAMLOK
Ozone concentration 148 gO3/m3
Caudal mínimo de refrigeración 2 m3/h a una temperatura de 20ºC

Working Conditions

Room fittings La sala debe estar bien ventilada, y prever sistema de extracción para caso de fugas. Instalar cartel con las advertencias de seguridad.
Quality of the water that is refrigerated Calidad de Agua potable sin cloruros en caso de circuito abierto. Agua osmotizada + glicol en caso de circuito cerrado (~125 L).
Working pressure 1 Bar
Humidity < 85%
Room temperature 5 - 35ºC
Source gas El equipo necesita un suministro de oxígeno bien LOX o PSA.
Gas quality 95-99% de pureza de oxígeno, secado de -40ºC Punto de Rocío.
Others Admite venturi a la salida

Información Adicional

UFI number G000-W09P-Y00M-TV8V
Made by ZonoSistem
Sold from 2024
Made in España
Warranty 2 años ampliable indefinidamente, con contrato de mantenimiento.
Last revision 2024


This ozone generator equipment  includes a touch screen to easily program different treatments throughout the day using a recipe planner. When the equipment receives a running order it opens a motorized inlet valve allowing oxygen to enter. This flow of oxygen is conducted to the generation part, where the corona discharge is applied and the oxygen is transformed into ozone. With the oxygen flow meter you can regulate the desired flow.

Included documentation

  • Safety manual.

  • User manual, installation and commissioning.

  • Maintenance manual.

  • Declaration of Conformity.

  • Certificate of guarantee

  • Compliance with biocidal regulations.

  • Our Quality Test results.


This GR ozone generator uses high frequency corona discharge technology with borosilicate dielectric.

European Ozone Trade Association

We comply with biocidal regulations and ISO certificates.

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