Ozone in cooling towers
Ozone eliminates Legionella.
Use of ozone in cooling towers
Ozone has become a really useful tool in the disinfection of water in cooling towers, especially in the fight against legionella.
Ozone is not stored or transported. It is generated in situ, by means of the ozone generator, and is injected instantly into the water of the cooling tower. The ozone in its path quickly and effectively eliminates all kinds of microorganisms, including legionella..
The ozone generator works automatically and does not require manual labor, it is only powered by ambient air and electricity. Maintains hygiene in the water of the cooling tower, and also in the pipes, pipes and pools. A disinfection technology, which can be monitored in real time, with data logging, and also controlled remotely.
Eliminates legionella and improves water quality, automatically and without manual labor.
Avoid the use of chlorine, and reduce your handling costs
Ozone is generated on-site, it does not need to store or transport chemicals
Avoid spills and unnecessary risks and protect the environment
The system is automated, you do not need manpower to apply it
Problems disinfecting the cooling tower?
Advantages of disinfecting cooling towers with Ozone
Eliminate legionella
The water in the cooling towers is easily contaminated by changes in temperature and the presence of organic matter, which is why it is necessary to disinfect it continuously. Ozone is a powerful disinfectant that easily eliminates all kinds of microorganisms, including legionella.
Eliminates biofilm and improves water quality
The ozone in its path removes the biofilm from the pipes very quickly and effectively. Avoid jams. It also improves water quality, reduces COD, BOD, turbidity, color, odor, reduces organic matter and increases the useful life of water.
Save and pollute less
Traditional disinfection is expensive and has a high environmental impact, derived from the production, packaging and transport of chemicals. Using ozone you can reduce the consumption of chemicals and the environmental impact they generate. You will reduce the discharge of chemicals and promote the reuse of water.
Without labor, automatic
The system generates ozone and injects it into the tank automatically, without the need to apply manual labor in the process. The equipment only needs to be connected to the tank to be treated and provide it with a point of light.
No chemical storage
Ozone cannot be transported or stored, it is generated on site, and it is applied instantly, so it is not necessary to store and manage chemical products, it avoids transport and reduces the carbon footprint.
Biocide recognized by the ECHA
Ozone is on the list of biocides by the European Chemical Agency and ZonoSistem has all the necessary legalization documentation to be able to apply ozone in its process.
Example of ozone installations in cooling towers
Cooling towers, France
Cooling towers, France