Exclusive ozone news

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ZonoSistem attended the technical conference on the zebra mussel to present its experience and propose solutions with ozone

June 2021 | 3204 views | Agriculture Ozone |

ZonoSistem manufactures an ozone generator for an important producer of jams and compotes in France

June 2021 | 6471 views | Agriculture Ozone |

ZonoSistem sends 10 Ozone generators per year, for the disinfection of cooling towers to the Northwest of France

June 2021 | 3050 views | Cooling towers Legionella Ozone |

Third ozone generator for a major Coca-Cola bottling plant in Oujda, Morocco

May 2021 | 3124 views | Agriculture Laboratory Ozone |

ZonoSistem installs an ozone generator for foliar treatment, to an important agricultural cooperative in French Provence

May 2021 | 2732 views | Agriculture Ozone |

ZonoSitem renews and improves its laboratory for piloting water with ozone

May 2021 | 6483 views | Laboratory Ozone Pilotage Sewage water |

A study confirms that applying Ozone in agricultural irrigation produces beneficial effects for the crop

May 2021 | 2711 views | Agriculture Irrigation Ozone |

We manufacture 2 ozone generators of 150gO3/h for the elimination of surfactants in Sri Lanka, Indonesia

May 2021 | 2528 views | Ozone |

Ozone revolutionizes the wine sector, ozone treatment for the main diseases of the vine

April 2021 | 3227 views | Agriculture Ozone |

Ozone Engineering S.L. has been a beneficiary of the European Regional Development Fund

September 2020 | 1866 views | |

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